Sunday, December 28, 2008

written by julianne, age 10...

Moonlight my cat

It was a hot August day, and this was the day that I was finally going to get to take care of a cat. I walked on to the patio of our backyard to ask my mom a question, but before I could answer, something caught my eye.

A black, puffy cat with witches green eyes sat on the patio. “Where did she come from?” I squealed to my mom. “Well, she just popped out of nowhere and sat on our patio. “I gave her tuna, and milk and she was content.” My mom explained. I ran over to pet her. She rubbed against me as if I were a scratching post. “Let’s call her Moonlight!” I said. “That’s perfect!” said my mom. I could already feel a pet cat coming my way. I petted her and she purred happily. “Can we keep her?” I begged. “I don’t know.” said my mom.” “She might belong to someone.” But if she doesn’t, then we can keep her for sure. As soon I said that, I was as happy as a mouse with a piece of cheese!

The next two days went by, and no one in the neighborhood owned Moonlight. We finally agreed to keep her. I bought her a pink, shiny, collar. I showed my parents that I was responsible. I fed her, played with her, and even took her to the vet to get vaccinated! It eventually got cold, so we put her inside. She loved it, and I did too.

A few nights later, we got a call from moonlight’s owner. I didn’t know that she had an owner! My eyes filled with tears. My mom called Moonlight’s owner and said that her name was Cocoa, and that she belonged to Vivian, and Gabe. “Vivian, and Gabe!” “I know them! My frown turned in to a smile.
Although Moonlight was Gabe’s cat, she still stayed at our house because she is an outdoor cat, and she can go wherever she wants. Gabe could also come and visit her, but I am just glad that Moonlight has two families, and also that she has someone who loves her.

Nov. 27th. 08

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